The skin is the "barrier organ" that protects the body. Its stratum corneum (the outermost one) acts as a shield at the entrance - it prevents the entry of pathogenic microorganisms, allergens, and chemical substances - and at the exit, limiting the dispersion of water. But the stratum corneum to function as a shield must be in perfect health with the right hydrolipidic balance.
If the water/fat balance is altered (diseases, allergies, drugs, but also climate, detergents, pollutants, non-biocompatible clothing can influence it) the shield is no longer able to perform its defence role and the skin, attacked, begins to get irritated, dry, and inflamed or even infected. DERMASILK works like a healthy "second skin" that protects the stratum corneum and creates the conditions for it to return to its balance.
DERMASILK is a patented therapeutic tissue, in pure silk fibroin permanently protected from microbial colonization by an organic molecule. Fibroin is a protein composed of the same amino acids as the skin, for this reason it promotes collagen synthesis and epidermis regeneration, protects the skin barrier when it is altered and promotes its balance and functions.
Perfectly biocompatible, ideal for everyone, especially indicated for those suffering from skin disorders or pathologies.
Helps skin health, even the most sensitive, naturally, quickly, and without side effects.
Clinical studies have confirmed that the use of DERMASILK quickly reduces inflammation and symptoms such as itching, burning, pain, erythema.
DERMASILK garments are tax deductible medical devices. They are patented and produced in Italy by Alpretec.
The innovative combination of nature and high technology gives DermaSilk unique characteristics that no other fabric has:
Silk fibroin is an animal protein extraordinarily similar to our skin, being composed of the same amino acids (glycine, alanine, serine, etc.) which form the stratum corneum, i.e. the most superficial layer of the skin. For this reason, it is able to protect the skin when it is altered. preferring its balance and functions; promote collagen synthesis and re-epithelialization. Thanks to its biocompatibility, it is also used in ophthalmic surgery (suture threads) and in the reconstruction of tissues and ligaments.
The long and perfectly smooth thread avoids mechanical friction and irritation, performing a beneficial micro-massage of the skin.
The yarn used and the particular knitting process give it very high breathability, helping to keep the skin fresh and dry and controlling perspiration.
Thanks to its exceptional hygroscopic capacity, DermaSilk quickly absorbs and releases excess humidity/sweat, retaining an optimal humidity level between the fibres for the well-being of the stratum corneum (DermaSilk retains humidity up to 30% of its weight, remaining dry, an ideal value for the balance of the stratum corneum which requires a percentage of water between 10-35%). The skin remains dry but hydrated, thanks to the natural reserve of humidity held by the fibres.
Being a fibre of animal origin, silk has the property of maintaining body temperature even in conditions of excessive humidity (thermoregulating capacity). Unlike what happens with synthetic fabrics and of vegetable origin (cotton, linen), the absorbed sweat never gets cold and, consequently, does not stimulate that increase in body temperature which would cause new sweating. In this way, DermaSilk favours the interruption of the typical vicious circle of "sweating-cooling-sweating" which aggravates the dryness of the skin.
DermaSilk garments have 100% pure silk fibroin in contact with the skin and have been deprived of sericin, a substance normally present in small percentages in silk which in rare cases can cause allergic reactions.
The permanent antimicrobial protection preserves DermaSilk garments from contamination by bacteria and fungi and makes them effective in fighting inflammation and skin-mucous infections. It works in two ways:
1) It inhibits microorganisms from growing on the fabric and therefore from migrating towards the skin (remember that fabrics are an ideal habitat for fungi and bacteria).
2) It inactivates the pathogenic microorganisms that infect the skin when they come into contact with DermaSilk garments.
DermaSilk is the innovative line of underwear and therapeutic clothing (wide range of garments for women, men, and children: briefs, shirts, gloves, hosiery, and accessories) designed and patented by Alpretec for those suffering from skin disorders or pathologies.
The effectiveness of DermaSilk derives from the use of pure silk fibroin (the most noble part of silk, with a protein structure very similar to our skin barrier) in combination with a permanent antimicrobial protection that helps control and prevent bacterial infections and fungal infections of the skin, in total respect of the resident flora. Thanks to this original association, DermaSilk acts like a sort of "second skin" in a simple and natural way, protecting the skin barrier when it is altered and favouring its balance and functions.
Numerous clinical studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of DermaSilk in quickly reducing symptoms and relapses in some common skin and mucous membrane disorders.
Thanks to the large amount of evidence gathered on the effectiveness "without side effects" of DermaSilk, in some countries (e.g. Switzerland, United Kingdom, Austria, Sweden) these therapeutic garments are reimbursed by the National Health System or by insurance companies.